Saturday, June 07, 2008.
You type 574 characters per minute
You have 99 correct words and
you have 5 wrong words
seeing so many people's blog oso haf this one.. so i tried a few times and got my best score. finally reach 99, the 100th mark is very hard sia.. even bobo oso reach 98, i feel very stress.. probably took long never type reports and do paperwork liao.. i've been doing more technical stuff in my company ma... ha... oh well. work's been taking alot of time off me. got to know a couple of nice people around in my company, and of course those not so nice as well. but hecks, who cares, afterall i'm just here for another 71 days or so. heh. optimistic. -.- long time since i gathered with my frens, have a feeling of organising a BBQ sometime this few weeks. will confirm again.
Will be revamping my room in this weekend, so stay tuned for the new outlook of my room. heh =D
Thanks to those who still view my blog if u're reading this. =D don't forget to tag too.